Things I Love: The Cookie Company

today, after enjoying a Lean Pocket as my lunch, it was soon evident that i would be heading out for a cookie from The Cookie Company.

I enticed a co-worker to join me (took surprisingly little effort – these cookies are that good!), and on the walk back to the office I recounted another reason why i love The Cookie Company. To which, i decided i should share here, too.

you see, after our wedding (almost FOUR years ago!!!), we took our wedding party to Cliff’s Lounge (the original location, not the new, or even the newer new one) – the fated location where we met, the integral piece to the engagement (which, i now realize has never been blogged… oh, it shall be, soon!), just a fun place in general. oh, and of course, the Shark Water isn’t bad!

Anyway- the boys dropped the girls off in front of Cliff’s, but it was not yet open… and being that it RAINED on our wedding day (really, i’m over it), it was chilly. But it just so happened that The Cookie Company was two doors down from Cliff’s, and the owner was just locking up with her young son. One of my bridesmaids happened to recognize her and said “Hi”. And Bless Her Heart, she took pitty on a chilly bride and her maids standing in the cold with only the Groom’s and Groomsmen’s jackets to keep us warm, so she invited us into the warm cookie bakery.

did i mention, Bless Her?!

AND, she gave us each a wee iced easter cookie, Yum.

For a little Lincoln establishment that I had always enjoyed, i grew a little more LOVE in my heart for The Cookie Company on that day.

If you are in Lincoln – and happen to be downtown, or at Westfield Gateway Mall , please patronize this awesome business!


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