Cancun vs Costco

AJ and I were able to take an awesome trip to Cancun with some great friends. The first time that BOTH of us have been away from the kids for longer than one night, together. (BIG, HUGE shout outs to The grandparents for taking on the nurturing, caring and spoiling our three babes and one fur babe!!!!!!)

When we returned I had a fun conversation. With Burke’s teacher. She said she asked him where we were and he replied, “Costco”. 😀 As an avid Cancun traveler, herself, and a follower of my instagram, she knew that wasn’t true. When she corrected him, he said, “Oh yeah, Cancun.”

Side note: we have recently become members of Lincoln’s first Costco, and he runs there with me occasionally. He loves the protein shakes and applesauce we get there!

When we returned, we showed the kids pictures of our resort and videos from our day zip lining in the Yucatán.

Today, I am headed to Costco to pick up a few “essentials”. As I headed out, Alan texts me that Burke has a request: for his birthday, he would like a zipline from Costco to our house, but not one that goes through water.

Which leads me to think: he’s still confusing Cancun and Costco.

And, does that mean that he thinks we left him with Grandma and Grandpa for a whole week while we simply went down the street to enjoy unlimited samples and fresh bulk produce without him?!

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