Exciting New Book: The Opposite of Me, by Sarah Pekkanen

Just learned about an awesome new book by a new author, Sarah Pekkanen. You might know that my favorite author is Jennifer Weiner… I have every single one of her books… except her latest, “Best Friends Forever”… but I hope to remedy that soon! Anyway- on Jennifer’s blog, she makes mention that TODAY (3/3/10) is […]

books are our friends!

i love to read. it all started with The Baby-sitters Club series (which spurred on my babysitting profession from ages 11 to 25), and then various literature classes throughout high school and college led me to love (Faulkner, Morrison, Twain, Bronte, Marquez) and sometimes not-so-love (uggh, “Emma” and “Paradise Lost“) various works. now that i […]